Lord Fix My Vision

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How do you see yourself? Is it the way God sees you? If not, then you need the Lord to fix your vision.


When Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, up a high mountain, he transfigured before them, face shining as the sun and raiment as white as light. At first, Peter was saying it was good for them to be there and wanted to build three tabernacles (for Jesus, Moses, and Elias). It wasn’t until they “heard” the voice that came out of the cloud, that they fell on their face and were sore afraid.


Now if they “saw” Jesus for who He truly was, Power and Light, King of kings and Lord of lords, then at that very moment when he transfigured, they would have fallen to their face. But being that they were looking at Jesus’ transfiguration in the flesh, they did not have a supernatural vision to see that The Kingdom of God was at hand!


First thing first, be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you think like Christ, hear like Christ, see like Christ and walk like Christ. We are created in His image and in His likeness. If we don’t see Jesus correctly for who He truly is, then we won’t live out the purpose and destiny He has called for us to manifest in the earth. Let’s be the caterpillar that metamorphoses into a beautiful butterfly, soaring and seeing at higher dimensions, levels, and elevations in God!

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